Alphas General Information

The Alpha Youth Group at Bethlehem is for youth who are currently in sixth through eighth grades.

The Alpha Youth Group incorporates a unique blend of fun activities, interesting Biblically-based lessons, and church and community projects to involve youth in the church and surrounding community. Dynamic materials are used to bring a fresh interactive lesson style to the group, encouraging greater participation and more open discussion. Topics of interest to the youth are covered in a Scriptural, sensitive, and age-appropriate way, helping them to find Biblical answers for the questions most pressing on their minds and Christ-like solutions to the problems they face on a daily basis.

The purpose of the Youth Groups at Bethlehem is to help children and youth make Christ Lord in every aspect of life, form healthy relationships, and develop positive feelings about themselves. We have chosen club leaders who are committed to this goal and who love youth.

The Alpha Youth Group at Bethlehem is led by:

Lisa Tarkington
Information about Lisa Tarkington will go here when available.

Paula Thornton
Information about Paula Thornton will go here when available.