
Alphas Bible Jeopardy! Family Game Night • Saturday, January 16, 2010
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Let's get ready to play Bible Jeopardy!
Tori, Laura, and Kate get the first round started
Our "live studio audience" watches as the game gets underway
The Joyce Ann Harrell class picks their category from the game board
Tthe A.C.T.S. Class answers the first question of the round
It's time for a commercial break!
Kate, Christina, and Ariel help serve the refreshments
Everyone enjoys the refreshments during intermission
The Taylor/Brittle Class answers a question to start off the next round
The C.O.F.F.E.E. Class picks the next category
Ginger and Ginna keep score while the rest of the Alphas look on
Meow, meow, meow, meow...Ask for it by name!
The contestants pause for a picture after the game with the Alphas