
Youth Sunday • Sunday, November 7, 2010
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The Junior Handbell Choir plays "Ode to Joy" for the prelude
The youth sing with the Praise Band for the opening music
Laura reads the Welcome and Announcements
Ginger says the Morning Prayer
Laura and Ariel play a strings duet for Special Music
Stephen plays the piano during Special Music
Dustin leads the Call to Worship
Madison and Ariel deliver the Children's Message
Tori prepares to deliver the Offertory Prayer
Ginger, Dustin, Kayla, and Kate collect the offering
The Youth Choir sings one of several songs during the service
Melissa reads the Morning Scripture
Philip delivers the Morning Message
The youth lead the congregation in the Closing Hymn
Philip gives the Benediction
The Women's Fellowship feed the youth and their families after the service